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Updated: Dec 16, 2022

On a March day in 1929, Artur Andersson leaves his family to gather firewood in the forest. When he returns home he finds his three children drowned in a copper wash tub. For 70 years the details of Ingeborg's actions have been a family secret but now her grand-niece Maria Bouroncle is telling her story.

Text: Bridget Ball

Det nystartade västsvenska projektet Läsning utan gränser sätter strålkastarljuset på barns läsande. Genom utbyte och samarbete hoppas man bland annat att kunna öka mångfalden i barnlitteraturen och skicka västsvenska barnboksdförfattare på export.

Text: Annsofie Andersson

Foto: Lars Ardarve


Updated: Dec 10, 2022

Maria Bouroncle joins us to talk about her fascinating new-crime novel, It Came to Me on a Whim – The Story of Ingeborg Andersson, Child Murderess. We're lucky to have her, since this story was just published in English for us to enjoy!

Text: Sabitha Furiosa

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